Winery  Baloun

Radomil Baloun comes from the vinter family from Velké Bílovice whose ancestors were winemakers for many generations and the one we should mention is his grandpa Cyril Kratochvíl (1892 - 1972). Radek when he was a small boy he used to go with him to the wineyard and wine cellar. At those days he smelt wine for the first time and slept under the grapevine bush all the afternoon, covered with his grandpa’s coat. read more.

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"All the guys in the village met with the wine as a boys because their fathers and grandfathers went to work to the vineyards and also to the wine cellars. As a kid I liked as the most a wine harvest period , because everywhere were a lots of people, queue of growers  which were selling part of their grapes to winery. Queue was running to the village, cellars were opened, everyone was singing and adults had a lot of work with wine ... "

Radomil Baloun